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Photo of Yolanda Elena Casas Argentina

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Yolanda Elena Casas Painter born in Buenos Aires disciple of Alexander Vainstein workshop manager Emilio Petorutti In 2006 Argentine Art History at the Association of Friends of the National Museum of Fine Arts in 2005 General History of Art at the Association n Friends of the National Museum of Fine Arts Degree Course year 1991 1996 Maria Spinelli Workshop Point and line drawing course in Painting and Art History Seminar...

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Yolanda Elena Casas Painter born in Buenos Aires disciple of Alexander Vainstein workshop manager Emilio Petorutti In 2006 Argentine Art History at the Association of Friends of the National Museum of Fine Arts in 2005 General History of Art at the Association n Friends of the National Museum of Fine Arts Degree Course year 1991 1996 Maria Spinelli Workshop Point and line drawing course in Painting and Art History Seminar year start 1986 1991 scenographic Chart issued by the Polish filmmaker Jorge escengrafo and made Exhibitions: 2007 Exhibition at the Sheraton Mar del Plata and International Modern Argentine Art Group Show July 2006 Employee of Gray Salon Legislative Chamber of Deputies 2004 National Exhibition of Visual Arts Association Dante Alighieri. Shown in Display Art Galley at Christmas Theo Manuel Belgrano Salon - Honorable National Senate Shows in The Urban Us! Trapped, Alone and nostalgic ... 2003 Exhibition at the Museo Social Argentino Yolanda Casas His Paintings Salon Color of Villa Gesell in 70 anniversary of the city (Selected Works) Acquired by the Legislative Staff Association. Shows in Scribes Bar Buenos Aires. 2002 Shows Two criteria, two visions Honorable National Senate Blue Salon (A donated works to be exhibited in the halls of the Palace) Art Shows in cities public art artists Banners City Government Buenos Aires Centro Cultural General San Martin Show in the Black Cat Bistro Mega Plastic Arts exhibition - Old Mint. 2 Salon Crisis Argentina 2002 2 Selected works diplomas selection. Salon Show 2001 Medium Format stimulus of Fine Arts 125 years with the Arts (diploma work selected selection) Sample Room F in the Historical Museum Old House Coin Exposition 2000 at the International Fair of Marbella The presentation was declared cultural interest by the Chamber of Senators in the National Historical Museum Displays Old Mint 2000 Art Show in West The public art Portea 1999 Exhibition at the Arts Club Parliament, Values and Trends Shows 24 Hour Tribute to the Flag at the end of the twentieth century in Congress Great Hall and Blue Salon Honorable Chamber of Senators First Exhibition of Painting, Sculpture and Photography Ceramics workers Auditrium Legislative Foyer and Salon. Ex exhibition at the Mint Art, Values and Trends Show in Tribute to Women in the National Council of Women Shows Expressions Salon Azul Honorable Chamber of Senators (tr is donun Optical exposed to the room of the Palace) 1998 Open Exhibition at the Art Gallery Plaza, Values and Trends sample in the Art Gallery Italian Association of Women and Belgrano 1997 show in history Accion Argentina Casa de la Provincia de Buenos Aires at the Cycle Show Dissertations Casa de la Provincia de Buenos Aires Exhibition in Art Gallery Show in Contrasts Art Gallery of Miletus Aspacio 1995 Shows and Colors Artist Art Gallery 1994 Paseo La Plaza Released for the first time - supported and accompanied by his Master Alexander Vainstein in Contrasts Galera. Since the year 1983 to date participde Collective Exhibitions. 2003 Salon Distinctions Color Selection Diploma Villa Gesell Argentina 2002 Salon Crisis - Diploma Selection (2 Works) 2001 Stimulus Fine Arts - Diploma Mention Selection 1996 Aspacio Art Gallery of Miletus Tribute Area of Culture, Casa de la Provincia de Buenos Aires 1995 Diploma for Selection in El Paseo de la Plaza Publishing 2003 Euro American Art Book 2002 The Cultural Agenda de Buenos Aires Photo exclusive Suns in August after the Black Cat Exhibition in Cultural Agenda de Buenos Aires in April Soles Sample Interview with Two Criteria, Two Visions 1998 Argentine Art Paper for the Third Millennium , foreword by Prof. Jorge Irigoyen Tavern. Gaglianone editions. Impact on exhibit at the invitation Exterior Fairgrounds Marbella, with repercussions on the television media. Television exclusive report in Marbella. Convened by Roberto Preciado for an exhibition in San Juan de Puerto Rico, Plaza Hotel Widham. It echoes her daily samples: The Clarin Nacin the Economic World Magazine said of her and Painting: Salvador Linares: The representation of reality in the painting has gone through, living, sea isthmus of all time. Even with the hyper-realism, was one more among them. The creators need to be planted ypblico just before the recognizable remains to travs of the centuries and has not been replaced even by the great perfection of photographic techniques. Worth these reflections to begin to enter into the work of Yolanda Casas, who approaches, from realism, both the intimate world of still life and landscape imagery and the human figure. Consider the world of still life. The way is a traditional or classical, reproduces previously ordered, made on a plane. In another described their habitat in the manner of an installation led to the plane of the fabric. Then comes the welcoming rincn where trajn numbered items daily. Affairs occurs game absence and presence subtly implied, from which tells a story of profound intimacy peculiar. As against expensive landscapes convey a feeling of loneliness metaphysics in a tense line of horizon where sky and water converge resonances lyric. The smooth brushwork, color mixing clean transmitindole catches the viewer a feeling of infinity that goes beyond the anecdote in s. More severe and treatment is made with austere figure monochrome palette and rigorous design that identifies and defines the characters. Yolanda Casas is an artist who will show her things as they are, adds the ability to express a vast repertoire of knowledge and characterized pictorial sensibility. Manuel La Madrid: Painting sober roots. Intimate work of Yolanda Elena Casas should the frequency of its work. The flowers are outlined on the wall, creating a rich natural climate, which synthesizes the image of objects viewed them as winged icons portrayed in the austere image of the painting. Catalina Pantuso His work is part of a suggestive realism in which everyday objects are presented to the viewer loaded senses. Although many of the pictures does not show the human figure in its presence is sensed The layout of the elements: the glasses next to the open book waiting to be ledo, napkin left a moment ago about the CAFO cup the basket of freshly cut flowers. The whole universe speaks of a subject composition tcito living in every corner. The sensitivity of Yolanda Casas estpresente in everything he chooses to display. The observer estinvitado to assume the untold stories, to project their own experiences in the images that are offered as triggers. You could say that the focus of this series is the loneliness of those who have chosen freedom as an important value in life. No tear or anguish he feels rejected, if not profound knowledge of who aprendique the greatest adventure is finding himself. The warm colors, including ocher dominate the soft brush made underscore this climate of quiet intimacy. In times of uncertainty and furiously beats plastic choke offer a place to rest and invites reflection. Your Dear Master Alexander Vainstein: Watching his painting reflects, associates and can not remember: For the biggest artist of Spain was not beautiful or ugly models, only existila reality.

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